Coding tips for bloggers

coding tips for bloggersI’m a coder from way back. I love the logic of it and I love the elation that comes from solving a problem. I’ve also found it very useful as a blogger.

However, I know not everyone is enamaoured by code as I am. That it can feel a little daunting.

Here a few things that might be useful if you feel like dipping your toe in.

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Why law is a good training ground for parenthood (and coding isn’t)

the law prepares you for parenthood

For most of my career I have worked with lawyers and law firms. From software development to IT management. From project management to directing a knowledge department. From event management to social media consulting. I even studied law, but never actually practised. My close proximation to lawyers has led me to believe it’s an excellent training ground for parenthood.

Much more so than coding.  Read more