I am Robyna, a mother on a journey to rediscover my inner minx and I invite you along. I want to empower you as a mother and inspire you as a minx.
This blog is NOT about being a yummy mummy, although I love fashion. It is NOT about losing those last five kilos after pregnancy, although if that is your goal, I support you 100%. It is NOT about telling you the best ways to raise your kids, although I talk about what is working and not working for me. It is NOT about paleo-clean-latest fad eating, although I want to know more about nutritious food and cooking.
It IS about finding the parts of yourself that may have gone into hiding since having kids. It IS about getting the mojo back into your life. It IS about expanding possibilities when they seemingly contract after having babies.
It IS about you – the intrinsic you.
I want this to be a place without judgement. I want this to be a place where you feel good about yourself. The place you can plug into, get energy, get excited, get real, have a laugh and get that inner minx out to play.
You can read more about me here.
Where did that cutie-pie Sarah go?
My friend Sarah and I started this blog together in September 2014. As sometimes happens in life, hers pulled her in a different direction and she had to make the difficult decision to leave the blog. There are still loads of posts here by Sarah and if you want to read more about her decision to leave you can here and here. We are still good friends and it’s been so wonderful blogging with her. You can also catch her at her personal blog – Sarah Gooley
Professional images by the very talented Bree of Bree Naomee Photography