How to protect your loved ones when the worst happens

This post is generously sponsored by Firths,The Compensation Lawyers. It does not constitute legal or financial advice and you should always seek expert, personal assistance when deciding on your financial matters.


Economic independence has always been important to me. I found employment the moment I was old enough to hold a job. I remember my first pay cheque and the extraordinary realisation that I had the capacity to support myself. There was empowerment in that moment. It may have been all of $50 but I felt the richest person in the world.

Fast forward to marriage and children and my attachment to economic independence has taken a back seat to the needs of my family. The day my last maternity leave payment came through and our income shrank back to the size of a sole-bread winner was sobering.

What is even more sobering is the thought of my husband being unable to support us. Read more

90s: How to wear it the second time around

A few things lately have made me feel a bit old. The laugh lines don’t immediately disappear after I smile. The other night I left a concert early because it was too loud. Things I wore in my late teens are apparently back in style.

how to wear it the second time around

This winter sees the 90s back in a big way. Which is strange, because I actually remember living through the 90s and thinking that the decade had no discernibly different style from any other era. But it only takes a few re-runs of Friends and a second viewing of Reality Bites to realise there was definitely a 90s vibe going.

But how do you wear it when you saw it come in the first time?

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How to turn your camping holiday into a glamping holiday

We are a family who camps over Easter. I’m looking forward to camp fires, quiet days, beautiful surrounds, no internet, starry skies, the chance to put on a jumper and watching the kids get back to being kids. I embrace camping. On a certain level. You see, I prefer my camping on the glamping side.

Turn camping into glamping

Here’s how to make your camping trip into a glamping trip.

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6 ways to use Instagram as your personal stylist

I am an unabashed fan of the style selfie on Instagram. I know it’s not for everyone. I realise it can look like this ridiculously narcissistic and ultimately pointless thing to do BUT there is method in the madness. By contributing to the #OOTD (that’s outfit of the day) community you are part of a huge group of people who are excited about getting dressed each morning and it gives you access to some pretty serious (and realistic) style inspiration.

6 ways to use instagram to up your style stakes-2

If you feel you need a style boost, why not use Instagram as your personal stylist? Here’s how…

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All the wasted words

This will be my 223rd blog post. At around 600 words per post, that’s 133,800 words. The average novel is 80,000 words long. If I had taken all those words, all that inspiration, all that time, I would have written one and a half books by now. For someone with “write a book” firmly at the top of their bucket list, this is a sobering thought.

all the wasted words

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How to re-purpose corporate clothes

Once upon a time there lived a woman. She worked in a fairy-tale land know as the “city”. Everyday she would put on her corporate clothes and head into the city. The people would bustle with self-importance and she would bustle along with them in her high, high heels. In the city she was able to drink hot coffee and have long conversations with adults.

Then the woman had children. Her wardrobe full of suits, pencil skirts, sharply-cut jackets, tailored shirts and cute blouses languished. Instead, she donned jeans and shorts and clothes suitable for playing with two young boys. Then the woman realised, she could still wear so many of her corporate things in her new life. She just had to put a different spin on them. Alas, the woman has yet to figure to how to drink her coffee hot or have long and meaningful conversations with her two year old (that aren’t entirely one-sided).

how to turn you corporate wardrobe into a casual one

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