Like so many great ideas, Little Tanning Dress started out of necessity. Busy boutique owner, Brooke Jones, needed to have something fashionable she could wear to her tanning appointments and in her store. But there was nothing on the market that would preserve her tan and her style. So she created the Little Tanning Dress. A stylish black dress made from a polyester/spandex blend that doesn’t blot or absorb tanning products. As an added bonus it doesn’t crease either.
A moments pause
There have been a few things happening lately within my family that have made me pause. Not huge things. Small warning signs. Enough to make me reassess priorities.
Raising Feminist Boys
Does it seem like there are more and more horrible things happening to women? Or do you think that we are just becoming more aware of them and that attitudes are slowly changing? Voices that may have gone unheard in the past are being listened to? Eyes are finally being opened to existing horrors? We are making progress and with that progress comes the inevitable push back from those who feel something is being stolen from them? I think it might be the latter. I hope it’s the latter.
I have been thinking about this change in community attitudes. How it is so slow to unfurl. I have been wondering where certain attitudes come from. And how I can raise boys who respect women and treat them as equals. What small changes I can make? What language can I use to ensure my boys don’t feel entitled to be considered more than their female counterparts. Read more
7 Style Rules you should break today
I’ll let you in on a secret. I am actually a big fan of rules. The kind that make sense and keep us safe. Stop at red lights. Be careful with your passwords. Don’t go the wrong way up one way streets. That kind of thing. I am not a fan of rules that do nothing but shame, limit and make people feel inadequate. Parenting rules and style rules are at the top of my list to ignore.
Here are 7 “style rules” I think we should break …
6 Kinds of Woolies Cards Collectors
We needed milk this morning. Because I only bought three litres two days ago. So, unsuspectingly, we popped into Woolies. And there they were. The newest lot of Woolies cards. I succumbed.
I reckon there are six kinds of Woolies cards collector families….
Anxiety Girl Strikes Again
Last year I wrote a post about anxiety and how it affects me: When Anxiety Attacks. I wrote it because I know that I am not the first nor will I be the last person to suffer from anxiety. I am also a huge believer in problems shared are problems halved and talking away taboos is half the battle. So here I am, talking about it again.