I love sewing BUT there are plenty of frustrations on the way to a beautiful garment. Here are my top 10 and how to avoid them.
The post holiday blues – missing the chaos
It’s been a bit quiet around here. The big kid is back at school and the little guy and I have been pottering around, both a little bit at a loss. After weeks of noise and bustle everything has calmed down. Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t love every moment of the holidays. There were plenty of times I couldn’t wait for school to start.
But now that it’s here I sort of miss the chaos.
A little box of happiness: Little Lettie Boxes (Gifted + Review)
I am sitting cross-legged on my lawn. The white box with the Little Lettie Boxes logo in front of me. It has just arrived and I am too excited to wait. Packages in the mail are are a bit like that.
Do you want to open it with me?
5 ways to wear a cropped top (when you think you can’t)
Remember when the cropped top was in vogue in the late nineties? My favourite outfit was a pair of baggy linen draw-string pants and a barely-there navy top. It showed off a huge expanse of tummy (toned and tanned back then) and the obligatory nineties belly button ring. I felt like the long lost white girl member of TLC.
Cropped is back but it’s definitely subtler. Barely a sliver of skin on display, if any. There are plenty of ways to wear a cropped top without showing tummy.
Sleep: How to get it (Sponsored)
Some people keep a sleep diary. This is how mine would go:
Dear Log,
It’s has been approximately 2,555 nights since my last decent sleep. Occasionally, my captors give me some relief and allow me a night without interruption, but it only serves as false hope. If I ever get a chance to escape, I can’t sleep 4am. My body has been ruthlessly trained to crave more sleep and yet be unable to gain it. Sometimes the youngest captor, who is by far the master at sleep interruption, will allow me nights and nights of sleep. When that happens, the eldest captor (who taught the younger all he knows) will wake with a variety of complaints – nightmares, a need for water, growing pains. They have cleverly worked together to make sure that I will never sleep a full night again…
Maybe I am exaggerating (maybe I’m not) but a thing that was once taken for granted is now a VERY BIG DEAL. And is for every mother of young children I know. How do we get more sleep? And when sleep is in short supply, how do we improve its quality?
15 things young families with dogs know
Our gorgeous dog, Hugo, came into our lives at just the right moment. He brings us so much joy, laughter and comfort. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of my little family dog and I am so glad that my boys are growing up with their own.
That’s not to say it’s easy bringing up kids and a dog in the same household. We have had our share of frustrations. If you have a dog and a young family, you will know what I am talking about.