Freelancing and the Law

It’s conference season. I’m not sure who mandated September as the month of learning, trips away, hang overs and marketing swag.

This month I have been to LawTech and the ALPMA summit. Since post GFC both of those conferences have foreshadowed sweeping change across the legal landscape and dire consequences for those firms who wouldn’t heed the warnings. There has been change in that time but not at the scale predicted, not with consequences foretold and not in all areas explored. Read more

What #MeToo means to #NotI


Ever since #metoo broke I have tried to figure out how my story fits within the emerging narrative. When my social feeds flooded with stories of sexual harassment, heart breaking and harrowing, I did not see my experience. Read more

End of our world?

Once again my news feed is full of terrible things. Horrors and terrors hard to imagine. And I wonder anew if our world is at a tipping point. Then I remember, we have been here before. Read more