Philosophy Fashion Australia generously gifted the clothing in this post.
When I worked full-time in a conservative office my clothing choices seemed easier. A pencil skirt or tailored pant, a button-down shirt, killer heels and discrete jewellery. My weekend wardrobe was relaxed and casual. My party pieces were fun, short and generally bejewelled. Needless to say, these three separate wardrobes seldom hung out together. My different identities were neatly compartmentalised and so was my closet.
After having children, those identities became muddled. A different lifestyle (less party, more park), working from home (less pencil skirts, more PJ pants), children (less ironing, more stain tolerance) and suddenly my wardrobe needed to behave differently. I don’t have three separate wardrobes anymore. Closet space is at a premium and every piece of clothing taking up room needs to pay rent. I want pieces that I can wear in different ways for different occasions. And I love it when brands understand that. One such brand is Philosophy Fashion Australia. Read more