Culinary disasters of the baking kind

culinary disasters of the banking kind

A little while back the insanely talented, terribly funny, not so great at baking, and hard to track down at conferences, Hugzilla shared this story of baking gone wrong – The Fine Art of Murdering Simple Recipes.

I imagine most people read that post and basked in the comparative glory of their domestic diety.

I read it and thought “thank goodness it’s not just me”.

My culinary skills are likewise limited. But I do try.

In the spirit of making other baking impaired people feel better, and amusing those who manage, I thought I’d share my latest misadventure.

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Is personal blogging dead?

Is Personal Blogging Dead?Over the weekend I attended a blogging conference – the one I recommended people wear clothes to (which was a reasonable call by the way).

It was large and noisy and exciting. Filled with people, ideas and inspiration. There was a palpable energy that comes with collecting 700 passionate people in the same place.

But, like anything, blogging has its share of the jaded. Those that have burnt out, that ache for days gone past, that fear blogging has become so far removed from where it started that it’s unrecognisable. There are so many things that people have to do now to get their blog going and some people worry that it could make blogging expensive once they start getting more serious about it. But blogging is great and it can be made easy. One tip I do have for anyone wanting to start blogging is not to have the idea of money at the forefront of your mind. If you do start making money from your blog/website, this is a bonus. But you shouldn’t have a blog just to make money and get free gifts. What is important is growing your site for yourself, as you had this vision in mind initially. You could do this by looking into top canada hosting platforms to get started in making your blog a success. A lot of times, it is important to keep in mind the idea of your passion being more powerful than the idea of financial gain, as this cannot be guaranteed.

You can sacrifice a little bit here and in the long run it will be worth it. You don’t even need to get expensive things for your blog though, you could just check out something like this Certa Hosting site and you’d be sorted. Starting a blog has never been easier, so don’t panic.

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Five things you need to get on top of

things to get on top of

This month I am focussing on getting things done and making sure things are humming along nicely.

These are five things that I think everyone needs to get on top of. They are the things that don’t necesssarily appear urgent, but are important. The things that will mean saving money or safe guarding your health, or both, in the long run. None of them take a lot of time. Read more

What to Wear to ProBlogger

What to wear to ProBlogger-2What to wear to ProBlogger
There has been a lot of concern in the lead up to ProBlogger.  Concern over meeting new people. Concern over cliques. Concern over business cards (me). Concern over being a hugger and hugging people who don’t want hugging (again, me – as in being the concerned over-hugger). And then there has been concern over not being particularly concerned.

But the largest area of concern seems to be: What to Wear to ProBlogger.

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Blogging Tips for the Jaded

Blogging Tips for the jadedI love the blogging community and I am very grateful for the great advice published by so many people. In the lead up to ProBlogger and at the conference itself, I know that I am going to come across even more advice.

But there are times when my inner cynic tends to come out. Sometimes “blogging rules” are much like “parenting rules” – you cannot follow them all as they contradict each other and their generalist nature doesn’t actually suit your particular baby. Also, sometimes the advice is crap. So I thought I’d write my own list of (firmly tongue in cheek) blogging advice.

If you aren’t a blogger and would like a laugh, why not check out this post: Things I suspect I should have already known

My super-cynical, very good blogging tips for a super, awesome blog:

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for the Love of Lists

a love of lists

I love lists. All kinds.

To do lists. Bucket lists. Fun things to do lists. Lists of places to eat. Lists of books to read. Lists of things I love about my partner. Christmas card lists. Lists of goals and dreams. Read more