How not to get bored of your clothes

how not to be bored with your clothes

I was talking shopping with the girl who was shaping my brows. We were chatting casually, as you do, in that artificial, intimate bubble. I told her about my year long no new clothes commitment. She thought I was slightly (admirably) nuts.

I need new clothes,” she said immediately and then she paused “well, maybe I don’t but I’m bored with what I have.

Ah, there is the crux of it really. One of the big issues with the no clothes commitment. Once the virtue of it all subsides, it is kind of boring.  Read more

Coding tips for bloggers

coding tips for bloggersI’m a coder from way back. I love the logic of it and I love the elation that comes from solving a problem. I’ve also found it very useful as a blogger.

However, I know not everyone is enamaoured by code as I am. That it can feel a little daunting.

Here a few things that might be useful if you feel like dipping your toe in.

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Boys Clothes Take-Over

photo courtesy of I LoVe Kool

I wonder if all mums of boys ask the same thing — where are all the cool clothes for little boys? When I visit a department store to shop for my little guys, I’m inevitably disappointed. I circle around a few times trying to find the boys section. Eventually I land at two racks. With girls’ clothes crowding either side. One rack is full of licensed product and cartoon characters. The other is a sparse collection of t-shirts, jumpers, track-pants and jeans in an odd assortment of sizes (and never the sizes I need).

Fellow mothers of boys, we have been heard. Creative types have seen our need and they are ready to fill the gaps in our son’s wardrobes. Read more