Behind the News: Cyclone Marcia Edition

In breaking news's wetCyclone Marcia has been downgraded to a tropical low and it’s bucketing as I write this. Residents in Yeppoon and Rockhampton are facing clean up and rebuilding as we brace for potential flooding further south. We live in a tropical climate and this is what happens during our summers.

But recently, the news has gone a little weird when it covers events like this. Ever since the 2011 Brisbane floods, “weather events” have become “24 hour news events”. The thing is that whilst waiting for a cyclone to hit, there really isn’t that much news to cover. Once you have imparted the important safety information and the weather forecast, there is precious little left. But it doesn’t stop our broadcasters trying.  Bless them.

This is my imagined version of what happens in news rooms and broadcasts during the lead up to a cyclone.  Read more

The May Family Misadventures: The Great Chase Edition

May Family Adventures - the great chase editionI love our dog, Hugo. He even blogs occasionally. But he is not smart. He is also incredibly fast.

We were coming home from swimming lessons, heading to the dinner, bath, bed portion of the day. Baby E had refused his midday nap and was nodding off in his car-set (just what every mother wants at 5pm).  I hadn’t yet closed the gate and Master I had let the dog in.  Hugo doesn’t miss opportunities like this.  He was outta there. Read more

Summer Childhood in Australia

Growing up under Australian SkiesMy summer childhood memories are of vast expanses of holidays, beach road trips, buffalo bill dripping down my arm, parents complaining of a heat I did not feel, bitchumen burning bare feet, laughing with my friends, humid nights underneath whirring fans and afternoon storms.

I was thinking about which of these memories my boys will have and what has changed. Read more

The School Parents’ Creed

The School Parents Creed - the Mummy and the Minx

The school year is nearly upon us. The kids are ready. The parents are ready. The books aren’t quite covered yet.  My family are very lucky to be part of a warm and welcoming school, and am so thankful for the wonderful parents that surround my boys.

This year, I promise to live by the School Parents Creed. Read more