We have Rachel over from Our Town Brisbane + FREE Printable Holiday Calendar

Banner-OurTown-sunset-light2We are so excited to be hanging out with Rachel from Our Town Brisbane this month.

Brisbane is our home town as well, and there is always something going on. We just don’t always know about the somethings. That’s where Rachel’s blog comes in. It’s a fantastic way for anyone living in or visiting Brisbane to keep their finger on the pulse of this vibrant city. And coming into Christmas and school holidays, we thought it was the perfect time to collaborate on how to keep yourself, and your kids, entertained.  Read more

Creating Memories. Cherishing Moments. This Month’s Challenge.

Creating the Memories
Amongst the teenaged journals, the hand-written letters, the birthday cards and the long forgotten post cards there is a large pink album.  A childhood album that spans newborn to late primary school.   There are empty spaces here and there, photographs used for school projects and never returned.  Gap toothed pages echoing a primary school smile. But on the whole, it tells the story of my childhood.  It amounts to maybe a couple of photos a year but it is enough to bring the memories flooding back. Read more

Sharing my passion – Sarah’s Salads

Food has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember.

Some of my earliest memories are of baking with my mum. My family always grew some of our own fruit and vegetables, or had chickens be it for eggs or meat.

On Christmas holidays we would drive from the Atherton Tablelands to Brisbane and stay with my Grandparents. My Grandfather was a mad horticulturist – fruit, vegetables, flowers, he grew it all in abundance. I would sit in the peach or nectarine tree and just gorge myself. Even now, with his ill health he still instructs my Grandmother on what needs to be planted and done in the garden at their retirement village.

These days I also love growing my own herbs and vegetables and am hoping to expand into some fruit trees this summer.

Sarah's salads


I love reading and watching chefs and cooks who focus on the importance of good produce, Stephanie Alexander and Maggie Beer are my all time favorites. And then there is Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall of River Cottage fame, and of course the adorable Jamie Oliver, and the charming Valentine Warner.

Something I am always complemented on is my salads. So as a way to share my passion with you, our lovely readers, I have put together a small collection of some of my salad recipes – Sarah’s Salads. These are the ones people constantly ask me the recipes for. I’m big on pimping salads and taking them to the next level. So each recipe has an optional “pimp it” section as well.

These recipes are not original, they are all influenced from others I have tried. I do hope that you enjoy them.

Bon Appetite!

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