Middle of the road child

I don’t have genius, prodigal children. Maybe I’m being a bad mum for saying that. But it’s true.

My kids are in the middle of the road. I am very thankful that we don’t need extra support. I know some families who would give anything to have their child tred a well-worn path.

But at the same time, we aren’t offered extension learning. Neither of my boys show extreme promise in sport, art, languages or music. There is no lack of passion for soccer or drawing, but I’m realistic about abilities.

So, you can rest assured, I’ll never be that mum who chews your ear off about my gifted children. And I actually think that’s a very good thing. Read more

Silencing the inner bitch and being kind to yourself

Silencing the Inner BitchI caught up with a girlfriend the other day. I wanted to get her opinion on a few things. I told her about my new business idea.  She looked at me doubtfully, rolled her eyes and asked “Really? Do you think that’s going to work? Why would you be successful at something others have failed at?”  I told her that I was worried about my eldest son and his lack of respect. “What do you expect?” she countered “you aren’t exactly mother of the year.”  I told her about my guilt over placing my baby in day care so that I could make a go of something new and exciting.  “So you should feel guilty,” she said “I don’t know why you are even giving up time you could spend with him to chase some unlikely dream“.

So, she’s a bit of a bitch my friend. Except she’s not my friend. She’s me.

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