The week after next we will be on school holidays. I can’t wait.
Two weeks without shouty mornings and spilled breakfast cereal. I won’t miss “why aren’t you ready yet?” and rousing sleepy heads. I won’t miss making lunches. I won’t miss wondering whether I am on tuck-shop baking this week. I won’t miss remembering excursion forms, incursion forms, teacher/parent interviews, and random notes. I won’t miss homework. I won’t miss ironing tiny uniforms. I won’t miss wondering how little boys can get dirty in the space of five minutes after changing into the ironed uniform. I won’t miss waking the toddler because he has fallen asleep half an hour before pick up time.
I am looking forward to sunny days and the evenings growing longer. For plays in the park that extend into the evening and that being okay. I can’t wait for pyjama mornings, snuggly TV-watching and popcorn. For adventures. For planned days out with friends and family. For spontaneous days out with my boys. For days at home making forts and train tracks and craft. For days at the beach making sand castles and memories. For ice-skating, park-playing, museum-going, ten-pin bowling, bike-riding, movie-going, lego-making, book-reading and treat-baking.
My husband is taking some time off during the holidays. I can’t wait for lazy family days together. For picnics in the park and leisurely walks to grab coffee. For just being. For stopping the busy. For rest. For spending time with the people I love.
I am looking forward to taking time for all the little things. And (hopefully) finally kicking this horrid flu.
My boys aren’t in school yet but this is now the countdown until they start next year! This is printable is a great idea! Will definitely use something like this when the time comes and I’m sure…we will be needing it!
I find it really helpful to have on the fridge so that everyone knows what’s going on and what to look forward to!