There are certain things in life that feel infinite. Time. Love. Health. The capacity for thought and imagination. Then something happens that reminds us of our mortality. Of the fragile nature of things. Somewhere in that sadness comes the realisation that we have one beautiful, amazing, crazy, short and wonderful life. And that we should spend it wisely.
A little while ago I wrote a post about treating time like money. With the same level of care and thought. I’m the kind of person that finds security in that approach. I like knowing where my time is invested, what’s coming up, exactly what I’ve committed to.
I think I’ve always been like this — a planner. Organised and uncomfortable with parameters altering. When I was younger, last minute changes to plans made me irrationally irate. I’m more laid back these days but I still hold tight to control. I’m a nightmare on holidays. I know I should let go more. Such a grip can lead to the very thing I’m trying to preserve slipping away. The joy and potential in each moment.
Perhaps you’re like me — trying to marshal time and keep it in strict order. Or maybe your time is more scattered. Defying your efforts to line it up neatly. Errant minutes flying away no matter how hard you chase them.
Either way, these five ways to organise and think about time might help you as much as they do me.
One schedule to rule them all.
How many systems to do use to manage your time and task list? I’m guessing notes in your phone, SMS to self, two or three email accounts, a paper dairy, and potentially a few post it notes. I have all those too – but I collate it all in one place. My bullet journal. I find it’s so useful to have one anologe system that lets me zoom in and out of all the things I need to do. I wrote about how I use mine here.
The detailed (and complete) to do list.
I start each day with a to do list. Created in the morning or evening prior. Not only do I jot down what I need to do, but how long it will take and when I intend to do it during the day. You can download my template below. This helps me stop over-scheduling and helps me be more realistic with my time. I try to incorporate some white space as well (more about that below).
Covey’s four quadrants.
These four quadrants have been used as a time management tool for a long time. This is a great explanation. The quadrants help me understand what exactly it is I’m spending my time on. I know I spend too much time in the crisis quadrant – urgent and important. It’s not a great place to spend all your time. It leads to burn out and exhaustation.
click to download printable
The importance of white space.
You might have already guessed that I have a tendency to cram every minute with stuff. But creating white space is such an important part of good time management. I love this piece on white space.
Regular life audit.
Every now and again I feel overwhelmed. Who doesn’t it? When I do, I try I delegate all my worry to a piece of paper. An A3 sheet divided into about 16 squares representing different areas on my life – work, career, spirituality/head space, home, partner, friends, extended family, pets, kids, hobbies, finances, school, fitness, health etc. I note what’s coming up, where I’m at, whether I feel comfortable, whether anything immediate needs to change. I always feel better after this exercise and more in control of my life.
(Little disclaimer – I’m scheduled to chat to my work mates about good time management so this is me gathering my thoughts. Two birds. One stone. Another time management tip).
Are you organised with your time? Or are you happy to go with the flow? Somewhere in between?
Linking up with Kylie Purtell – Capturing Life and IBOT
Great tips!
Leanne @ Deep Fried Fruit recently posted…Day 2852 – Not all probiotics are created equal
Thanks. Hopefully helpful!
Robyna May recently posted…Maximising Time (and the tools to do it)
I think I’ve been spending too much time in the not important/not urgent zone which is probably why I never seem to get anything done! I agree that time is as precious as money, I just need to learn to spend it more wisely. Needless to say, I’ll be printing off your PDF – thank you!
Sammie @ The Annoyed Thyroid recently posted…She’s So Inspiring – Talya Goding
I found that quadrant so helpful for identifying actual priorities.
Robyna May recently posted…Maximising Time (and the tools to do it)
You sound very similar to me. I have a strict – ish routine and tend to get stressed when things pop up. I like the quadrant idea. I will have to try that. It might help take some pressure off.
Renee Wilson recently posted…A letter to my seven-year-old
I always get a bit surprised when people suggest spontaneous things – l just assume everyone has all their hours accounted for. But it’s fun doing things off the cuff so I’m conscious of creating the space to enable that.
Robyna May recently posted…Maximising Time (and the tools to do it)
Interesting. I tend not to have a lot of white space (and when I do I sit in front of the tv so it’s not a good use of that time)
Lydia C. Lee recently posted…Silence and Distance
I think down time is really important though.
Robyna May recently posted…Maximising Time (and the tools to do it)
I use nearly all of the same tips, but I didn’t always. The busier I get the more organised I need to be, which has found me seeking out help and ideas to facilitate that. Love my master list!
Nicole @ The Builder’s Wife recently posted…A First Home Buyer’s Guide – New Build or Buying?
Absolutely. Have to have a master list – mine lives in the bullet journal and minds my worries.
Robyna May recently posted…Maximising Time (and the tools to do it)
White space is SO important and thankfully hubby and I are on the same page there so we very rarely overschedule our weekends with activities. We both need some down time to potter around at home and so do the kids.
I really need to get a better at it but I’m trying.
Robyna May recently posted…Maximising Time (and the tools to do it)
At work I have to be organised otherwise my job would fall into a heap. At home, or anything that isn’t work, I’m much more go with the flow. But never so much that I’m late for appointments and things like that.
Vanessa recently posted…Movie Quotes That Would Be Inappropriate In A Work Email
I always skate on the edge of late or JUST on time because I try to over use the time available. I need to watch it.
Robyna May recently posted…Maximising Time (and the tools to do it)
I totally agree on the importance of white space!
Ingrid @ Fabulous and Fun Life recently posted…Free Priceline Health & Wellbeing Gift Bag
So important. Need to get better at it.
Robyna May recently posted…Maximising Time (and the tools to do it)
Haha love the two birds, one stone approach 🙂
Janet recently posted…And the Winner is …
Hahha! Mum life really 🙂
Robyna May recently posted…Maximising Time (and the tools to do it)
Thanks so much for sharing about white space Robyna. And I had to laugh at your line about being a nightmare on holidays as I am the same (but, like you, working on it!)
It’s all a learning curve isn’t it? I love your take on white space – particularly for those that wouldn’t naturally make it a priority.
Robyna May recently posted…Maximising Time (and the tools to do it)