Maximising Time (and the tools to do it)

Time Management

There are certain things in life that feel infinite. Time. Love. Health. The capacity for thought and imagination. Then something happens that reminds us of our mortality. Of the fragile nature of things. Somewhere in that sadness comes the realisation that we have one beautiful, amazing, crazy, short and wonderful life. And that we should spend it wisely. Read more

Working Nine to Five (well, from eight really) …

For the first time in a long time, I worked a full time week. Every minute between 8 and 5 dedicated to the corporate good. It made me think about full time work, part time work and the elusive balance. The benefits and the drawbacks to any working arrangement as a parent. And how good the full-time worker with home support has it.

Working as a parent

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The Long Drive – ways to use peak hour

the long drive

My return to corporate work has also heralded a return to peak hour traffic. But with a different perspective. As a mum I cherish periods of time alone, no matter how that time presents itself.

Of course grid locked traffic is never ideal – particularly when the clock ticks steadily towards late. That’s stressful no matter how much you crave alone time. Fortunately, it hasn’t happened often.

Accidents aside, I have a fairly leisurely 45 minute ride in and out of work. And I treasure it.

Here’s how I get the most out of the traffic minutes: Read more

Why law is a good training ground for parenthood (and coding isn’t)

the law prepares you for parenthood

For most of my career I have worked with lawyers and law firms. From software development to IT management. From project management to directing a knowledge department. From event management to social media consulting. I even studied law, but never actually practised. My close proximation to lawyers has led me to believe it’s an excellent training ground for parenthood.

Much more so than coding.  Read more