Goodbye Dear Friend (but not really)

Laughing to the sideDo you have a friend whom you may not see for a bit, but then whenever you do, you just pick up where you left off? A person that you have always admired? Someone that lifts you up when you see them? The kind of person that leaves you feeling energised after speaking with them? Someone who is always trying to make the world a little bit better? Those kinds of friends are pretty wonderful. Read more

Liebster Award – Why Thank You!

Liebster AwardIt’s always nice to receive an award isn’t it? Makes you feel all happy and gooey inside.  So thank you SO MUCH to the lovely Hayley of House of Many Minions for the Liebster Award nomination.

The idea behind the award is to promote newer or lesser known blogs and share the bloggy love. You are given 11 questions and asked to reveal 11 random things about yourself. Then you nominate 11 ace blogs and they continue to share the Liebster love.

It was quite fun answering these questions, and I hope it gives you a little insight into what makes this particular corner of the internet tick. Read more

Recognising when you need time and space

To some extent I feel like I bang on quite a bit about the challenges I have experienced being a FIFO wife and now that the the hubby is home, the challenges of having to adapt to him being here.

I tend to make light of it, or as soon as I talk about an aspect of it that is difficult, I quickly say how lucky we were to have the opportunity or similar, and of course there is the classic telling everyone I am fine when I am not. Read more

So I took both boys to a music festival … Woodford Folk Festival with kids

The Woodford Folk Festival has been something of a tradition in my family, ever since my sister and I won tickets in a radio competition as teenagers.  Back then, we stalked the toothfaeries and innocently wondered what that funny smell was.  I haven’t been since having the kids. In keeping with my commitment (Before Kids | After Kids challenge) to have more music in our lives, I decided this was the year to take the boys. So, donning our festival uniforms of gumboots and shorts, Master I (6), Baby E (17 months) and I set off to conquer Woodford. Or Mudford as it’s affectionately called as it ALWAYS rains.  It was either going to be a master stroke of brilliance or it was all going to come crashing down in a spectacular heap.  Read more