Reflection funnies

As a part of reflecting this month, I started to think about some of the funny things that have happened over the last little while. I hope they give you a chuckle too.


Funny thing 1:

Husband was unpacking the shopping recently and put an economy size box of condoms (24 to be exact) on the bench.

Me: “Holy moly hun, we’ve got enough to last us through the next few years there.”

Seriously if looks could kill, I would have dropped dead there.

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the Bupa Blog Awards – a wrap up

Bupa_BloggersAwards - image courtesy of Bupa

Image courtesy of Bupa

On Friday morning, I awoke at 4:30am (not an unusual occurrence courtesy of Baby E) to drive to the airport and catch a plane to Sydney for the day (a very, VERY unusual occurrence).  To add to the surreal nature of the experience, I was actually camping. So at 4:45 am in the morning I donned a fancy dress and sparkly shoes and applied make-up in the camping amenity block.

Sarah and I had been shortlisted as finalists in the Bupa Blog Awards. The awards lunch was being held in Sydney and we are Brisbane girls. At first, I didn’t think we would go. It seemed too expensive. Too much of an imposition on our families. But friends and family both encouraged us – how many chances like this will you get in your lifetime? they asked. And so we both booked our tickets, looking forward to attending together, a lunch without our children in tow and celebrating our blogs modest success. The days passed and our excitement grew. And then reality happened. Sarah became very ill and had to be hospitalised. Read more

Big Bloggy News: We are finalists in the Bupa blog awards!

Big News - Image Credit Robyna MayWe have some BIG news. A little while ago, we entered the Bupa blog awards. We know we are infants in blog land, as new, keen and ever-learning as our babies but we believe in what we are saying.  And so we entered.
We believe it’s important to reflect on our identities and how they change through life.  We believe it’s important to truly value motherhood. We believe that every single one of us has passions, talent and purpose that deserve to be recognised and put to good use. And it turns out, other people believe in us and the things we stand for too.

Ta-Da!!! We are a finalist in the Bupa parents to be and babies category.
(click ^ to vote)

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