Recognising when you need time and space

To some extent I feel like I bang on quite a bit about the challenges I have experienced being a FIFO wife and now that the the hubby is home, the challenges of having to adapt to him being here.

I tend to make light of it, or as soon as I talk about an aspect of it that is difficult, I quickly say how lucky we were to have the opportunity or similar, and of course there is the classic telling everyone I am fine when I am not. Read more

The importance of tradition and rituals

When I think about my childhood and adolescence,this is what is etched into my memory: 

  • Sitting at our dining room table and eating breakfast and dinner together, as a family, almost every day.
  • Driving to Brisbane for Christmas Holidays and staying with my mum’s parents and great grandmother. HUGE Christmas days with my Dad’s enormous family and alternating smaller ones with my Mum’s family.  Read more

World Mental Health Day & Motherhood

Today is World Mental Health Day and it got me thinking about a fridge magnet.

My friend’s fridge is littered with the usual family paraphernalia.   Amidst the kids’ schedules, the artwork, the wedding ‘save the dates’ and the birthday invitations, there is this:

Insanity is hereditary Read more