How to wear boho (and not look hobo)

Even before the lovely Nina Proudman graced our screens I have been obsessed with boho.


The relaxed girl with sunshine in her hair and peace in her soul, wrapped in long skirts and good intentions. The festival girl, cool and charming in her battered boots and grandmother’s dress. The traveller, borrowing looks from her destinations, weaving her bits and pieces into her outfits like a sartorial travel diary. Read more

How to make cheap clothes look expensive


We live in age of fast fashion. I can buy my clothes alongside my milk at Coles. An outfit worn by a celebrity will be re-interpreted in the chain stores within weeks. There are new jeans that cost less than a sandwich.

I feel uncomfortable about fast fashion for a number of reasons. Primarily the means by which stores can sell things so cheaply. It promotes a generic look along with a throw-away mentality. And, of course, it’s very difficult for independent designers, brands and shops to compete.

On the flip-side, I know that for a lot of people cheaper fashion means they have access to clothes they didn’t before.

Whether you are buying your clothes from Mix or from an Op Shop, here are seven ways to make a cheaper garment look more expensive and less generic: Read more

Free Daily Outfit Planner + Why Bother

daily outfit planner

I’m one of those (annoyingly?) organised people. I have a project management background, I adore lists and I feel unsettled without clear plans for the week (or month) ahead. I’ll remain flexible, but I appreciate a framework. When people ask how I fit quite so much in, it’s only due to planning ahead. And being a little crazy. But that’s another story.

It makes sense to me to plan my daily outfits a week out. Particularly if I’m participating in a style challenge and need to think a bit about what I’m choosing. There are lots of daily outfit planners out there but none that really worked for me. I made my own and thought I’d share it with you. As well as the reasons I think it’s a great idea to incorporate wardrobe planning into your Sunday evening routine.   Read more

Dressing to flatter your figure

how to flatter you figure

Let’s not be alarmed but Summer is coming. September holidays are here and beach days along with them.

The cozy winter weight was meant to have shifted on by now. Unfortunately, my wishful thinking method has failed spectacularly. I know I need to add some much need exercise to my routine (and less Tim Tams). But while I’m waiting for that to work, I thought I’d share some ways to flatter your figure.  Read more

The Tough Wardrobe Questions 

It’s the season for clearing out and making way. As the weather warms up and spring fashions beckon, wardrobes over the country are being reviewed and re-thought.

There are great posts out there on clearing out your wardrobe. Lots of good ideas about sorting and piles and only keeping the things we love.

The Tough Wardrobe Questions

It’s the fence-sitters I find tricky. The pieces of clothing that I hesitate to put back in the wardrobe but I’m not quite ready to give away. I sort of love them. A little tiny bit. Or perhaps I might love them again. There is a chance they will come back into trend or my shape will shrink and they will look like they once did.

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What one wears to the Polo

What one wears to the poloLast weekend I got a very late call up to attend the polo. As in, a couple of days prior. My husband and I had been to the polo before and had a fabulous time so it was a “hell yes” from us. Last time we went was before kids and my memories are hazy. 10 years will do that. So will the amount of Veuve we drank. But I remembered there being Veuve and that was enough for me.  Read more