Appreciating the skin you are currently in

Body Image

This month I am focussing on regaining intimacy. It can be hard to even go there when you are feeling a bit crap about your body. My body has changed a great deal since having kids. Some parts I don’t mind – a new kind of softness. Other parts – generous hips and bottom – are harder to embrace. But I wonder what purpose being critical serves. Whether in years to come I will look back on that criticism and wonder what on earth I was worried about.

I look back on photos of myself as a much younger woman. All cropped blonde hair and long tanned limbs. I don’t remember thinking myself beautiful. 

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Easter School Holiday Ideas & Free Printable Calendar

School Holiday Ideas

The school holidays are mere days away and Master I is counting down the days.  So am I to be honest. I am sure that the gloss will wear off by the second week, but right now I am happily looking forward to mornings without lunch prep and shouting. I can’t wait for days spent in our PJs. Baby E will still have a couple of day-care days, but rather than putting Master I into care and working, I will enjoy some mummy/son time with my eldest. There are a some great movies coming out –  Home is a definite, Cinderella might need some more convincing. There is a new dinosaur exhibit to explore. The days are still warm enough for the beach. We will get to spend time with cousins and full days playing with friends.

Every holiday we try to pack all sorts of things in, and a calendar is useful for planning our days. Below is a printable PDF version that you can use too.

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Making change a positive thing

Change overcoming the fear
The silly season has passed, the fresh, dewy excitement that comes the new year has dimmed (only a little) and I am preparing for a new school/work year. It’s a year with a lot of change. My littlest man starts daycare and I embark on the self-employment adventure. I know others have change coming this year too – going back into the workforce, sea changes, having the last of their little ones start school. Change can be equal parts terrifying and exhilarating. How do we harness the exhilaration and minimise the terror? How do we overcome the fear?

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